Thursday, June 26, 2008

immer wieder ... immer wieder ... immer wieder ...

gewinnt also deutschland. diese hinterhältigen füxe. schlagen die gegener (fast) immer mit den eigenen waffen. portugal - deutschland. da können sie auf einmal spielen, diese hallunken. weil's der gegner auch kann. türkye - deutschland. da schießen sie das tor in der letzten minute. weil's der gegner auch immer so machte.

die uefa konnte diesem treiben offensichtlich nicht mehr zusehen und hat das bild versteckt. damit sich europa das debakle nicht mehr mitansehen muss. himmel.

der himmel. ja der, der hat zu weinen begonnen als die deutschen ihr erstes tor geschossen haben. und wollte damit nicht mehr aufhören.

d hat bei dieser euro denn doch etwas gelernt:

wenn man in deutschland wohnt, dann muss man zu den deutschen halten. sonst macht's tatsächlich keinen spaß. wenn man nicht in deutschland wohnt, dann hält man zu den anderen. sonst macht's tatsächlich auch keinen spaß.

das spiel hat d in ottakring gesehn. vielleicht der türkischste bezirk in wien. weit weg von den deutschen numerus clausus studenten.

und d findet:
es ist schon schön wenn sich türkische und österreichische und österreichisch-türkische fußballfreunde im 16. vereinen, um gemeinsam zu leiden. und da is es mir jetzt wurscht, ob die alle (wir alle) bobos sind. multikulti is doch okay.

wobei... d findet, egal ob türken oder deutsche. da ist schon mehr leidenschaft dabei. die machen stimmung, mensch. da sollten wir uns eine scheibe von abschneiden.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


d has finished her first tutor job. statistical physics. it was fun. actually. although. most of the exercises were really boring. pfff.

the idea is that the students prepare a couple of exercises at home and during class one of them presents an exercises on the black board. hehe. i felt that i have learned at least something during the last 4 years or so (though not too much i am afraid). after some time they became somewhat trusting and dared to ask questions. that was good.

anyways. it's weird to be "on the other side" simply because emotionally - for my part - i belonged "to them". but for them i was of course different. hhmm. and it's also weird to meet "your students" when you go out.

football.... i lost interest somehow. not because the austrian team has left. but after having been in the fan zone, i decided that football fans are dull. most of them.

they are agressive. pissed. overweight. and thus i got almost killed. that was enough. the flair here is simply different. and i don't like it.

however, i did like the turkish celebrations last week. the main vienna throughfare - the gürtel - was closed until 3 am. impressive. i was told so of course. as declared i will keep distance from the crowd. i am simply not tall enough to survive.

türkye vs deutschland will be intersting. let's see what berlin-people will tell us.

Friday, June 13, 2008

freitag, der 13.

wie uns schon sloterdijk sagte, auf der sphäre wird alles gut. so erging es mir auch in meiner diplomarbeit. auf der oberfläche der 5-dimensionalen sphären war die symmetrie wiederhergestellt, die lieben instantonen wieder klein und d damit preisverdächtig.

d hat nämlich den alfred-wehrl preis für theoretische physik gewonnen. ha.

hehe viel eher. sehr schön ist das. eine feier gab's gerade, wo ich ca. ganz oft fotografiert wurde. die blumen haben hervorrangend zu meinem jäckchen gepasst.

almost even more important: aut vs pl

hehe. ironie des schicksal. a penalty kick in the 4th minute. and all hopes are lost. a penalty kick in the last 4 minutes and all hopes are back. how lovely. football, what a wonderful sport. and finally even austria was lucky.


who would have thought that?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

D fait le pitre dans le monde de football

unlike most of my friends i was looking forward to the european championship. and: i was even hoping. hoping that the austrian team wouldn't totally suck and eventually, against long odds would survive the first round. i was hoping for a second world-championship-feeling. i was hoping that the austrians could fall into that frenzy ....

those hopes were - of course - ruined after four minutes.

the frenetic vibes are gone.

well... describing the vibes ... i have to admitt that they are not quite as ethuisiastic as they were at that time in germany, where the football fever grabbed each and everyone. here things are more restrained. hhmm... but i guess this is sort of independent of the performance of the Austrian team unless it would be really, really, really, really, really good. It's simply not common that the whole austrian people enjoys a frenzy. there is always somethings to mourn about ...

now, that sounds very pessimistic... or disappointed. i am not. no. probably it's just too hard to reanimate those feelings you have after having finished your studies and thus having endless spare time and an endless summer ahead of you ....

what i like about such events is ... it affects everyone. you cannot escape it. football is now something each and everybody can talk about. and for a couple of weeks people become irrational. at least for a couple of weeks we don't behave like robots. for a couple of weeks something is happening. people are touched by this. they can feel it and: this is good.

i know it's danergous to say but: i cross my fingers for the german team ... in 2006 they were part of a marvellous summer... and this time ... they are really, really good. good luck.