Tuesday, March 25, 2008

brand new billa at praterstern

huhu. this is soooo exciting.

the brand new billa has opened at praterstern. it's back in the hall. but it's much bigger than it used to be. at the moment it is still very clean.

now that they obviously care about their supermarket they can even afford security guards under the age of 60.

i went there yesterday for the first time. of course. lot's of people. but it was bearable! way fewier dunkards and junkies than before.

moreover: only < 50 days until u2

huhu.... what a spring. life can be so good.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

monstrum praktikum

time to start with preparations for my excursion in to the world of diplomacy.

security check: if you want to work at an ambassy you have undergo a security check by the ministry of the interior: is there any prohibitition against you carrying weapons? do you have contact to groups causing political violence? are you saught after in any country? etc ...

i was wondering why they don't just ask for a certificate of good character from the police. but i guess they better check themselves and they just need you to sign this crappy stuff before....

insurance: jesus christ. i need to pay myself for my damn insurance. this is expensive. lord. all in all this is really going to be expansive.

going abroad via erasmus or any summer student programme was much easier and cheaper.

rooms are really expansive in washington, too.

Interns without borders

... helping poor interns in a cruel world

Please help!
account nr.: 220 19 46 11
bank code 32 000.

by the way...

my institute is next to the american ambassy in boltzmanngasse. so there happen to be quite a lot of demonstrations.
today: greenpeace is protesting against the US trying to overthrow the european stop on importing gen-manipulated food. i totally agree with greenpeace.

however... this protest thing was weird cause the people in the embassy could not really see it. since the ambassy is very well guarded and the building is sort of around the corner. so they really cannot see anything. and it's not that so many people pass boltzmanngasse and by thus get aware of this protest.

Monday, March 17, 2008

fiskal - banal

das steuerhandbuch 2008 gelesen. im leben angekommen, nenn ich das. die erste arbeitnehmerveranlagung hinter mir. arbeitnehmer... arbeit wird genommen vom geber. nehmen hört sich so freiwillig an. ein nehmen und geben. d versteht.
d mag das finanzamt nicht mehr. das finanzamt will geld von mir. jetzt werden wir sehen, was das amt zu meiner erklärung zu sagen hat. recht wenig, hoffe ich.

d bittet um rat, wie das amt am besten zu betricksen ist. ganz legal versteht sich. d geht davon aus, dass das amt nicht sehr schlau, manchmal auch sehr bequem ist. d wird wahrscheinlich nicht recht behalten.

.:. change of subject

d used to be part of the fun-generation:
a comment on week-ends.

this is what has become of us. we take the last subway home on a saturday night. we are tired. we sleep on weeke-ends and sit in our offices meanwhile. we are tired. we take work.


we will start brunching on sunday mornings instead of boozing on saturdays.

i regard this as a tragedy (not the brunching thing). despite the money we are making (it' s not thaaaat much) . life as student was more fun. huhu. and much more exciting. huhu.
... real holidays... we used to have time to watch stupid series on telly.

moaning won't help. nono. or maybe? nono...
and honestly, i think. the next job can only be worse than this one.

get yourself togehter and go back to work, lazy bastard! i hear this other voice in my head saying. yes mam. i will .:.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

vom nichtdenken

seriöse umfrage:

ist es euch, hochgeschätzer leser, möglich, nicht zu denken?

könnt Ihr durch die straßen flanieren ohne an etwas zu denken, ohne ein inneres selbstgespräch zu führen, ohne die eindrücke zu bewerten. ist es euch möglich, euch dabei
quasi aus dieser welt zu entfernen, zu verschwinden?

oder anders: jetzt nicht an ein känguru denken, jetzt, da ich das wort geschrieben. geht das oder ist das tier bereits in eurem Kopf ...