Tuesday, June 24, 2008


d has finished her first tutor job. statistical physics. it was fun. actually. although. most of the exercises were really boring. pfff.

the idea is that the students prepare a couple of exercises at home and during class one of them presents an exercises on the black board. hehe. i felt that i have learned at least something during the last 4 years or so (though not too much i am afraid). after some time they became somewhat trusting and dared to ask questions. that was good.

anyways. it's weird to be "on the other side" simply because emotionally - for my part - i belonged "to them". but for them i was of course different. hhmm. and it's also weird to meet "your students" when you go out.

football.... i lost interest somehow. not because the austrian team has left. but after having been in the fan zone, i decided that football fans are dull. most of them.

they are agressive. pissed. overweight. and thus i got almost killed. that was enough. the flair here is simply different. and i don't like it.

however, i did like the turkish celebrations last week. the main vienna throughfare - the gürtel - was closed until 3 am. impressive. i was told so of course. as declared i will keep distance from the crowd. i am simply not tall enough to survive.

türkye vs deutschland will be intersting. let's see what berlin-people will tell us.


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