Friday, January 16, 2009

where the whales were ....

supposed to be. the fortune and d spent a week on cape cod and nantucket. unfortunately we didn't see any fishy friends.


there you can find the result of my internship. two articles on two physicists.

Monday, January 12, 2009

das glück ist gekommen

und hat d nach hause geholt. d lies again in intimicy under the sheets. vienna has embraced her with its frosty winter. -7° = 20 F. the cold outside has turned into a cold in d's head.

after a lovely time on cape cod and nantucket (hui, there was wind! and snow), the fortune and d left the land of the free squirrls and returned.

d is back to physics now. a long break might not have been useful. we will see. d is sorting things out.

however, a decent breakfast again. how nice. and milk without vitamin d but from happy cows.

d is still in love with vienna's lethargy. and after all: proper christmas decoration .:.