Bull market? More a bull party ...
well, what shall i say, here are some pictures of a party of a gigantic soft drink producer. no pix of the half naked girls that shaked their asses in the embassy. why is an embassy a place associated with dignity? i can't remember.
anyways, the guys at the embassy were very kind when they let us stay over night there. living in college park when the last metro leaves at 12 pm or so can be difficult.
but don't be mistaken. the red bull party is one of the best parties in dc (i was told). and it is notorious. well, free booze and lot's of girls dancing on tables can be attractive to many people. sodom and gomorrah. sure. well, in some sense. was it that bad? no.

.:. .:. .:.
people are leaving.....

susanne & katharina gone

marcel gone
martin & paul gone
d stays. hhhmmm... as pointed out quite a couple of times. you always meet great people. and they always leave. or you leave. and you never get used to it.
.:. .:. .:.
d learns more about men and women in the us: the concept of dating
we don't have this concept of dating in austria. i guess this is actually true for europe. i am still not sure what it actually is. but i learned that questions like "do you wanna have lunch with me?" or "let's meet for a coffee?" are in many cases considered as invitations for a date. if the two persons meeting are of different sex. men have dinner among each other. so do women.
this is sooooooooooo weird.
i still couldn't figure out what a date is good for... obviously in some sense it is the way for men to get in touch with women, since they don't eat together. going to the cinema is a date for sure. you don't have friends from the other sex. these kind of things are supposed to be akward.
d is confused.
anyways, the guys at the embassy were very kind when they let us stay over night there. living in college park when the last metro leaves at 12 pm or so can be difficult.
but don't be mistaken. the red bull party is one of the best parties in dc (i was told). and it is notorious. well, free booze and lot's of girls dancing on tables can be attractive to many people. sodom and gomorrah. sure. well, in some sense. was it that bad? no.

.:. .:. .:.
people are leaving.....

susanne & katharina gone

marcel gone
martin & paul gone
d stays. hhhmmm... as pointed out quite a couple of times. you always meet great people. and they always leave. or you leave. and you never get used to it.
.:. .:. .:.
d learns more about men and women in the us: the concept of dating
we don't have this concept of dating in austria. i guess this is actually true for europe. i am still not sure what it actually is. but i learned that questions like "do you wanna have lunch with me?" or "let's meet for a coffee?" are in many cases considered as invitations for a date. if the two persons meeting are of different sex. men have dinner among each other. so do women.
this is sooooooooooo weird.
i still couldn't figure out what a date is good for... obviously in some sense it is the way for men to get in touch with women, since they don't eat together. going to the cinema is a date for sure. you don't have friends from the other sex. these kind of things are supposed to be akward.
d is confused.