Well.... i am back from marvellous alessandria.
dear conference visitors, i decided not to put the videos on the blog for saftey reasons. but i can send you of course a link.
it was definitley a very nice conference.
let me just mention that finding your way in alessandria can be a hard task despite the fact that it's not really a huge town.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WSq-sDsV28some (i won't tell names of course) even managed not to find the way to their hostel after 6 days being in alessandria :-)
so today i was finally bringing all my stuff to my new old place. and my sister finally moved out. we had a good time together. let me say that again.
so after a long sunday full of work, almost everything's finished ... and i am very comfortable now.
although it's a bit weird cause now my room is a mixture between my old one in vienna and my old one in hamburg. two lives that were quite separated in many respects. maybe that's even some... well... methaphorical thing.
"some things never change party" will take place on
saturday - april 14whoever is in and close to vienna is highly welcomed.

ich find ja, dass der mailänder dom bei nacht ein bisschen wie das schloss von citizen kane aussieht. oben: das kloster in dem wir uebernachtet haben.