Friday, May 30, 2008

some pictures

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


last weekend the noncommutative family was meeting in bayrischzell, bavaria. i was allowed to give my first talk at a conference. it went quite well, i think. although i was also quite flurry.
i didn't notice that my favourite word actually is "aemm"....i have to work on that.

there was this huge bamboo stick (for pointing at the relevant points on your sildes). probably 2 m long. ridiculous. ridiculous. a little woman with a huge bamboo stick. was sollte das denn, bitteschön?

it was also sunday. it was also my birthday and it was also john's day. (john madore being the guru of the noncommutative sect). i was the last one to give a talk on a sunday evening at seven. before that there was birthday cake for john (& me) and ouzo. ouzo seems to be good medicine for the speaker and the audience.

now there is this idea of a noncommutative women's society (suggested names: twistor sisters or deformed women). the latter probably is not so recommendable. because you know, in noncommutativity things are either twisted or deformed.

my favourite typing mistake:

instead of super-super-space (superspace is really a sientific term like deformed space or twisted space). i don't know what a super superspace is, though.

myself, i am dealing with "emergent gravity" right now ... ausschlüpfende gravitation in german (one could say).

that's enough.

i am almost 30 now. time to get serious. time to go to work.

this is aeehmm a aehhm video of my aaehm first ae talk. just for entertainment. and to prove that i also put embarrasing videos of myself on my blog and not only nils holgerson's performances. thanx, thanasis! ->()<-

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

ich dich auch

heute morgen hat eine neue ära begonnen. die zeiten der früh morgendlichen sozialstudien hat ein ende. d & der 5er haben sich getrennt. die neue flamme: d loves u2.

irgendwie ist bim fahren angenehmer als ubahn fahren. außer wenn die bim 5er heißt. dann ist es anstrengend. zuviele mitfahrende missbrauchen ihr handy als ghettoblaster. die ubahn fahrt ist zumeist schneller vorbei. für einen misanthropen wie mich ist das wichtig.

sehr schön ist auch, dass ich jetzt dem praterstern aus dem weg fahren kann. wie gesagt, die sozialstudien werden irgendwann langweilig. ich hab's jetzt lang genug gesehen.

allein ... mit den spaziergängen vorbei am wurstelprater hat's nun ebenfalls ein ende ... das ist schon ein bisschen schade.

Monday, May 05, 2008

getting excited

so far i was not really concerned about my next stay abroad. however, today i have bought the ticket.

16.9. 2008 - 4.1. 2009

je vais aux états-unis. yes. yes.

i cannot really imagine myself living in the states. i am quite afraid of bad food. but i am excited. a lot.

and: my first christmas without family. alone waiting for spherical harmony to arrive.