"austrian beauty"

last weekend: vorarlberg, that very small federal state (of austria) between switzerland and tyrol.
mr. glueck knows somebody. that's how we got there. a kind inviation to stay over the weekend and enjoy austrian postcard landscape.
when i lived in germany i found out that - outside of austria - our great country is mainly associated with mountains and marmots and all that stuff. me, definitely not being the biggest friends of snow and cold and thus prefering to spend my money on trips to warm countries, i haven't really explored these highly touristic areas yet.
so what can i tell you about vorarlberg?
i would say that the pictures i have taken speak for themselves. on the otherhand... let's add some comments.
basically it's too perfect.

i can imagine that all these people having seen "the sound of music", coming to austria, finding these landscapes which look exactly like in the movie - but are real- must be quite ... well... impressed? western austria looks very much like a huge amusement park for adults.
every single meadow is mowed perfectly. cows, horses, cute little houses, etc... it's unbelievable. it's so perfect, you cannot really cope with it. the distrubing thing indeed is the houses and the meadows.
what i am trying to say is the following thing. nature on its own usually is overwhelmingly beautiful. mankind distroys this. bringing industry, grey buildings and pollution.
it's very scary to come to an area where mankind shapes nature. but in such a way that not even one single spot is "ugly". and after thinking a while about this, i think i know where this strange feeling comes from: the beauty is delusive. it must be some sort of "austrian beauty" happening there.
Maybe beauty loses its meaning when it cannot be confronted with ugliness. Perfection cannot exist by itself. Like good or evil. Or truth. The beauty of perfection, the perfection of beauty, rely in their impossibility. Perhaps beauty is elusive perfection, a line in permanent flight from its pursuers; its renovating incompleteness ever instigating its search. That is why Art, Science, life, can have inexhaustible beauty.
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